Call us on 1800 077 888
Lens and Mirror Cleaning
We sell all you need to keep your mirrors and lens like new and performing at their optimal. Suitable for any laser engraver. Order online or call us today ! 1800 077 888
Laser Compressors
I have been selling this brand of compressor for 20 years with zero failure rate. They are suitable for all laser engravers and are a great investment for consistent on demand air. A water filter is recommended if you are in a high humidity environment.
Laser Chillers
These commercial chillers are robust and suit all environments. If you have a Glass tube laser engraver then you need one of these to keep your tube in good order and to give you consistent engraving.
USA made ZNSE Laser Lens
Our lenses are made from the highest quality optical materials being zinc selenide (ZnSe). We sell a large range in many sizes to suit most laser engravers on the market. Call us if you don’t see yours here and we will get it for you. 1800 077 888
Beam Combiner Lens
Beam combiners are designed to combine the red dot laser with the laser beam, for machines with red dot pointers set up in that way.
Laser Mirrors
We offer a range of high quality Co2 reflecting mirrors to suit all types of Laser Engraving Machines. Call and speak to Gary today for details.
Laser Silicone water hose
Our premium quality silicone hose is specifically for laser engravers. Its 12mm diameter and sold by the meter. Order as little or as much as you need. Call today 1800 077 888
Red Pointer
We supply 10mm and 12mm red dot pointers for all types of laser engravers.
Glass tube laser clamps
We sell glass laser tube clamps for all glass laser tubes. Contact us if you need something special and we will happily get it for you.
Power Supplies
Our power supplies are of a high quality and are very affordable. Complete with a 1 year warranty.
Laser tube repairs
We can repair and recharge Synrad and Coherent Laser tubes. Call and speak to Gary for details 1800 077 888
Glass laser tubes
We stock and sell a large range of glass laser tubes including SPT, EFR & Reci Glass Laser tubes. Wattages from 30 up to 500W are available. All tubes have a 1 year replacement warranty. Call us for more details.
Metal laser tubes
Pulse Laser Systems can supply new from original factory metal laser tubes. These include Synrad, CoHerent, Ceramic Core and Rofin. We may also be able to repair your existing Co2 laser tube. Call Gary for details on 1800 077 888
Power Protection
Good clean power is essential to protect your investment. Our filters are the best way to do this. Don’t take the risk . Buy one today and protect your machinery.
If you don’t have the requirement to use a filtered extractor then our economical 1HP extractors are a must for extracting fumes from your laser engraver cabinet. We have many options available so call for details.
Laser Safety Products
Dont risk your eyes using low cost inferior glasses. Our glasses are designed to protect your eyes from harmfull light generated by laser technology.
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USA made ZNSE Laser Lens
15mm CO² Laser Focus Lens USA ZNSE
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We sell to any country in the world & can ship upto 2 kgs for just $22(USD) per shipment.
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